Director of the Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences (BEECA) department at the University of Barcelona. Professor of Ecology at the BEECA Ecology Section and Senior Scientist at CREAF (Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications).
His work relates to the study of forest structure and functioning; carbon, water and nutrient balances, as well as plant ecophysiological responses to climate change, drought, forest fires and forest management.
Since the ninetieth he has been involved in many European funded research projects related to climate change, acting as PI in El NIÑO, ATEAM, GREENCYCLES, GREENCYCLES II, CLIMSAVE, LOCOMOTION, LIFE DEMORGEST, and currently the ongoing projects Life Terra and INFORMA. Also PI of the Spanish research funded projects MEDFORESTREAM, MEDSOUL, ECO-Reactors and the ongoing project Riparian-Eco-Restauration.
These projects involve ecological restauration, nature-based-solutions and sustainability. He promotes activities and projects to communicate to the society the challenges related to global environmental change. Since 2021, he is Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Land Life Company.
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